All joking aside, I am well aware—and beating myself up—that it’s been m.o.n.t.h.s since I last blogged. To be fair though, I’ve been busy with several new babies (both figurative and literal).
In this past year we welcomed our largest client to date, whom we love, love, love working for and with. We welcomed the “twins,” Wes and Anna, to the e-team. And in the personal arena we welcomed home our first son. (Yes, yes, it was I who gave birth to a 12+ pounder naturally, completely without medication. I’m awesome, I know!).
All that and I’ve had writers block to boot.
Coming up with content that is “actionable and instructional” is difficult when my day job is selling that same info as my business’s service. So like, if I tell you how to do it yourself, then what am I supposed to sell you? See the paradox? lol
And so I was reduced (or allowed myself to be) to ranting about sales and marketing faux pas, which was just making me sound bitchy. Or maybe that was the maternity hormones typing…
At any rate, here I am, ready to blog away. But what to blog about?
What I’d like to propose is that you guys out there in cyber-land throw out some topics for us to discuss. Call it a round of intellectual batting practice.
Any takers?
~Sarah, Emogen market-eer