Monday, April 12, 2010

American Idol Motor Company

By definition brand association is the level to which your brand name defines the product category you are in. For example, how many people ask for a Band-Aid when they need a, well… band-aid? Not many people say, “Pass me an adhesive bandage please.”

Or, for those of us in the Deep South, it’s totally normal to be asked what kind of Coke you want.

Well, this weekend another type of brand association was brought to our attention…

Our family went to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch after church yesterday. Our 6 year old daughter looked up at a landscape picture of what I assume is Hong Kong and said “Oh, that’s where they do American Idol!”

I must have had a very confused look on my face because she immediately started to explain herself, “Look, that logo on the building.” (Yes, my 6 year old knows what a logo is – trade hazard). The logo she was associating with American Idol was Ford Motor Company. If you watch the show, you know Ford gets their fair share of air time.

Sponsoring a nationally televised talent contest may be a far-fetched thought for your organization, but you probably do sponsor things like the local news, little league baseball or golf tournaments.

Keep in mind that when you stick your logo on it, people will associate your brand with it; so choose your sponsorships, donations and other logo placements wisely.

-Brian, Emogen sales strategist


  1. Very true.

    I could name some very foolish (and not-so-kid friendly) examples which may have done more harm than good. Your logo, while useful and a good marketing tool, can be over used and lose its value.

  2. Hmm... not sure that I could make a case for a logo being overused, but misuse totally exists.



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