Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cha-ching or Achoo?

Viral marketing… customer to customer advertising… your marketing message being passed from one customer to the next the same way a virus or common cold is. How great would that be, customers taking your message and hand delivering it to all of their friends and family without you even asking?

Now, as great as viral marketing sounds, there are some downfalls.

For instance, it’s nearly impossible to control the message being spread. In true viral marketing, your customer will tell the truth about their experience… even if it’s not good.

Another downfall could be called the “Vanilla Ice effect”, where a product or organization gets so popular so fast that it causes a backlash and develops a group of “anti-fans”… people that are just sick of hearing about you.

The take away – viral marketing is an exciting and useful tool, so don’t be fearful to encourage it, BUT have your hanky ready just in case it takes a turn you weren’t hoping for.

-Brian, Emogen sales strategist


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