Friday, April 2, 2010

Get your feet off the ground!

In our line of work, some days you need your feet firmly planted on the ground and others you need to let your head float in the clouds. Being creative is more than just fun and games for us at Emogen; it’s our livelihood.

But creativity is important for more than just making a dollar. Developing creativity in kids also helps them develop problem-solving, self-expression, information processing and cognitive flexibility skills.

Emogen is doing our part to help local kiddos get their heads in the proverbial clouds. On Saturday, May 1st at 10 am we’re teaming up with Ruston Parks and Recreation to host Kite Day at the Regional Sports Complex (ie, the old airport runway). The first 50 kids will get a FREE kite and sack lunch (most likely a PB&J and juice box).

So, on May 1st, bring your kids, your kites and your picnic blankets and be prepared to get your feet off the ground!

-Sarah, Emogen marketer


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