We had a fun discussion at the office this morning about things we did or said as kids that hinted at the occupation we’ve found ourselves in today.
Jake, our head graphic designer, recently found something he wrote as a youngster in which he claimed he would either become “an attorney or an artist, but probably an artist because he likes to draw more.”
In the early days of our marriage some 12 years ago, Brian and I habitually concocted entrepreneurial schemes. Looking back, we tended to focus heavily on branding and promoting our imaginary endeavors. Go figure.
Because of that inclination, I stand amazed sometimes at how oblivious some people are to sales and marketing techniques. I mean, it’s so simple… right?
A proclivity toward marketing is how Brian and I came to be where we are today, but if we’re not vigilant our bent could potentially hinder communication with clients who think differently.
Today, I challenge you to take a stab at determining your bent, and then make an effort to figure out how your customers bend differently. Altering your communication to accommodate a client’s perspective could make a world of difference in the relationship.
-Sarah, Emogen marketer
Thursday, May 6, 2010
How Are You Bent?
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