Emogen began as a one-man operation that focused mainly on outside sales, so our first location was relatively simple… a glorified office, really, and it was set up as such. There was a desk just about centered in the room and a couple of visitor chairs facing it.
Brian quickly recognized, though, that as customers entered they were immediately unsure of where to go. What’s funny is that it couldn’t have been more than 500 sq.ft., so it wasn’t like you were trying to find a salesclerk in Wal-Mart.
The problem was that people didn’t know if they should approach the desk or wait to be invited. They didn’t know if they should stand or sit. They didn’t know where to wait when he was on the phone. It was comical, except for the small issue of a customer’s first experience with Emogen being extreme discomfort. Not the ideal first impression!
So Brian brought in a simple glass displace case and, like moths to a flame, customers knew exactly where to go. They were happy to stand at the counter and wait on him to invite them to sit down. If he was on a call, they were occupied looking at stuff in the case. They knew how to behave when afforded the cue of a front counter.
We as consumers have been conditioned how to behave in a retail environment or office space. That training has given way to expectations, and when those expectations aren’t met we can get frustrated with the shopping experience.
As a business owner or manager, it’s easy to set up shop in a manner that’s convenient for your operations. Though, if customers or clients regularly visit your location, I advise you to reconsider and create your layout to satisfy their expectations.
-Sarah, Emogen marketer
Friday, May 7, 2010
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