Monday, May 3, 2010

If You’ve Got a Problem, Yo, I’ll Solve It

I thought about attempting a vlog (video blog) or podcast with a parody of Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby. Something to the effect of “If you’ve got a problem let the pro[fessional] solve it” … but lacking time and several margaritas the best I can offer is a great lead in for today’s blog.

Each of us, regardless of what role or position we find ourselves in the workplace, is a problem solver.

The banker is solving the problem of how to store and manage money. The grocer is solving the problem of how to purchase a variety of goods from myriad producers. The grave digger is solving the problem of where to put a coffin.

You get the point. Person A presents a problem, Person B recommends a solution, the two agree to a price, work is completed, and voila, problem solved.

A predicament can occur, though, when the problem at hand is not correctly or fully communicated, either by fault of Person A not properly explaining the problem or by Person B by not fully understanding it.

There’s also the instance of Person A presenting the problem and the solution, which we’re all guilty of from time to time. Have you ever gone to the mechanic and said, “I need an alignment.”? I have, and got my car back perfectly aligned… but still pulling to one side… because what I really needed were new tires.

Oftentimes, I find that the answer to the problem lies in the diagnosis itself. Scratch that and make it “every time.”

The solution always lies in correctly understanding the problem.

You can’t skimp on probing and digging to understand the problem being presented… even if that means telling your customer (politely, of course) to back off and let you do your job.

-Sarah, Emogen marketer
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