Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Awards are nice, but…

Last night Emogen picked up our first-ever advertising awards. Twelve of them to be exact.

We’ve floated around the office this morning on cloud nine reveling in our accomplishments, but as the day has progressed we’ve forced ourselves to focus on a simple reality: awards don’t mean squat. Well, not exactly squat, but they aren’t the best measure of success.

It’s certainly nice to have your work recognized by peers—they’re in the same industry so they should know a thing or two about what makes your work good—but the ultimate measure of success is when a client mails you a check and then picks up the phone to do another round of business with you. Get that happening regularly with a good base of clients and then you can be assured you’re in the right line of work.

So, how do you do that, you ask? First step: hire a good marketing firm ;)


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