Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Thought on Perspectives

For my 28th birthday I jumped out of a plane. (This is Sarah writing today by the way; Brian would NEVER consider doing such.) It was a tandem parachute jump, meaning I was strapped to a highly-experienced professional; but family and friends still thought I was nuts.

When Brian and I started our own business, though, people weren’t nearly as concerned. In my opinion, the two experiences have been pretty much the same. Both carry a high level of insurmountable risk, but both also carry—for the right kind of person—an indescribable emotional high.

Having been though both experiences, I feel that I have gained a perspective to which the average population isn’t privy. But in truth, because we each have individual, unique experiences, we all have perspectives unlike anyone else.

The point I'm trying to make is this: be it marketing related or otherwise, take care not to assume the rest of the world thinks, reacts, and “does” like you do. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with your target. By making the effort to “walk in their shoes,” your communication with them will be all the more effectual.


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