Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting their ATTENTION!!

When developing an advertising campaign consider one of these three “moment of recognition” techniques.

1. A consistent theme that is repeated throughout
2. A character (AFLAC Duck, Guico Gecko etc…)
3. A word hook (“Got Milk”)

When a set of visual images and phrases come together to convey a single mental image and is presented to an audience time and time again you will create recognition.

The average American encounters from 1000 to over 4000 (depending on the study you read) advertising impressions per day. That means you have merely moments to get the attention of your target. When your audience sees your website, print ad, TV ad, brochure, direct mail piece, or hears your radio spot, if there isn’t that moment of recognition you will not get their attention.

What do we do when we see ads? We look for a reference to mentally process the information. Without a reference, we are most likely going to reject the information or classify it as “spam” and move on.

The campaign types mentioned above function as recognition points that allow us to processed the information quickly.

The hard part is deciding which of these three techniques to use. Once you have gotten to this point you should have already firmly established the brand identity you would like to establish. Keeping that in mind, do your homework and find out how your target audience is best communicated with.


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